Bio-Oz Australian Grown Gluten Free Buckwheat
Our Products
Buckwheat Flour & Kernels
100% Australian grown, free of chemical residues, gluten free, freshly dehulled and milled to ensure maximum flavour and nutrition. Our buckwheat farmers practise Sustainable Farming. They use no-till farming methods to control weeds. Our buckwheat farmer's grain is tested each year for chemical residues.
Bio-Oz Buckwheat Flour
Our Buckwheat flours are 100% Australian grown, milled from Sustainably grown grain, and tested chemical residue free. Please see our Sustainable Farmers of Australia page for more information. Our Buckwheat flours are available online via our stockist.

Our commitment
Our Buckwheat Flour and Kernels are 100% Australian grown,
tested chemical residue free & tested gluten free
Our ancient wheats are 100% Australian-grown
We are committed to sustainable farming practices
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