Bio-Oz Buckwheat & Vegetable Soup - gluten free recipe
Guten-Free, made with our Australian grown Bio-Oz Buckwheat kernels. An easy meal perfect for those cool autumn days. Thank you Linda for your creative inspiration. Make this with in-season veg, perhaps form your own veggie garden for an ultra-low food miles!
1 red onion diced
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 tin of diced tomatoes
Half a cup of soaked buckwheat groats
5 cups of water
1 chopped carrot
1 cup of diced pumpkin
1 cup of chopped kale
Takes 30 minutes prep, 1.5 hours cooking time, serves 4-6
Sauté onion in olive oil.
Add buckwheat, tomato, carrot, pumpkin and water. Simmer for about half an hour until the vegetables are tender and the buckwheat is cooked.
Add kale and season to taste. Simmer for a further 2 mins.
Serve with a drizzle with extra virgin olive oil. (Can purée soup up for fussy kids who don't like to see the veggies).